New Music History and Music Theory Articles
Exciting News!
Below is a preview of the new, extensive contents planned in two formats, by section and by style period.
The sections of the text are:
- Surveys/Overviews;
- Genres & Forms;
- Music Theory Overviews;
- Major Composers; and
- Special Topics
We will share more details about the articles and the top scholars writing them as we move forward. Also, we always want your best music history articles. Review for details about proposing new articles for the A-R Music Anthology. Our Guidelines are available here.
New: Music History Surveys
New! Our online music history text to use in your teaching. Already part of our pre-set courses you can also add these survey articles to your own courses. If you have not yet adopted the Online Anthology, please do so today.
Resources for Integrating the Anthology into Your Program
Please use the links on our resource page to find features at our Anthology site to integrate the Anthology into your program.
White Papers on Digital Publishing Strategies
Please download our white paper on navigating the shift from print to digital resources. Use this white paper to explore the advantages found in the digital world, especially the A-R Online Music Anthology.
We invite authors to contribute their best articles on music history and theory to our online textbook. We encourage new work and also welcome articles revised for the internet. Please use our strategies for digital collaborations to create engaging articles for our coursepacks.
Instructional Videos
Use our Instructional Videos for instructors. This is your quick way to set up your courses expertly and take advantage of other features of the A-R Online Music Anthology.
Find endorsements by clicking here. (Please contact James L. Zychowicz if you are interested in reviewing the Online Anthology for your publications.)
If you have questions about using the Online Anthology, please send us an email.