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Resources on the Motet in ARMA

ARMA's resources on the motet are remarkably strong for those who explore this genre in their music history and music theory courses. With the examples in ARMA it is possible to trace the evolution of the genre from its earliest form to its maturity in a number of imporant works. In addition, the commentaries on several of these pieces offer explore significant features of signicant works. Further details are part of the articles on Genre and Form for the Medieval and Renaissance eras. As with other parts of ARMA, when your students encounter terminology specific to motets, they may find ARMA's Glossary to be a useful starting point.

The motets in ARMA include a number of works in various styles:

In addition to these scores, ARMA contains commentaries on selected motets:

Please use the general page for links to other Resource Pages. Additional materials are in preparation and will be available when they are ready.

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More contributions are welcome in ARMA! Contact James Zychowicz, if you would like to send a proposal.