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Resource Pages in ARMA

To assist our instructors and students in benefiting fully from the ARMA's rich contents, we offer resource pages that highlight specific topics, genres of music, or sets of related articles. With more than 7000 pages of contet, including 698 music files, around 60 peer-reviewed articles (approximately 5,000 to 12,000 words each), and commentaries on 130+ musical works, ARMA is substantial. Yet the resource pages can help you navigate the materials to arrive at what you need for your students in the customized courses that are easy to make in ARMA. The resource pages are a tool for finding specific materials in ARMA as you prepare your current music history and theory courses or develop new ones.

The resources pages in ARMA include:

Please use the resource pages to explore the materials they cover and feel free to search ARMA directly to find more items.

Also, other resource pages are in preparation and will appear with other New Content when they are ready.

Click here to use the A-R Online Music Anthology

More contributions are welcome in ARMA! Contact James Zychowicz, if you would like to send a proposal.